This week was full of fun! We had the opportunity to conduct a three-day camp at the Graham Recreation Center for a group of senior adults. We had around 10 of our mission team members come to spend time with these senior adults, and it was a very fun time full of blessing.

The camp consisted of a lot of the activities that we do with children on our annual mission trips. We sang and danced around to our fun children’s songs, we did a daily puppet show, and we played games. The senior adults really enjoyed the time that we were able to spend with them, but I know that our team was blessed equally as much just having the opportunity to be a part of it. At the end of each day, we did short Bible lessons that were conducted by Jordan (our new full-time staff member), and Jonathan and Josh (our summer interns.)
On Monday, Jordan spoke about the hope that we have in Jesus. In recent weeks there have been some high-profile people that have taken their own lives. Despite whatever is going on in your life it is important to remember that we have hope in Jesus, and, as the song goes, “life is worth the living just because HE lives.” We will experience trials, but we are promised in Romans 8:28 that “…in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
On Tuesday, Josh talked about how God hears us. He cited the Old Testament story of Leah and how she cried out to God in pain because of her situation. God heard her every time she called out and blessed her richly with many children. Leah named all of her children special names that had deep meanings of God’s faithfulness to her. No matter what you’re going through, God hears you!

On Wednesday, Jonathan spoke about the story of Job. Job’s story is a very popular example to cite when we talk about trusting God, and for good reason. God allowed Job to experience immense trials in his life. Satan took everything from Job except for his life, and it would have been very easy for Job to just give up. But, rather than take the advice of his wife and “curse God and die,” Job remained faithful to God and was blessed far more than he ever lost because of it.
All of these lessons are encouraging to us, and we were so delighted to be able to share them with the senior adults that we worked with this week. Please pray for us as we prepare for our busy summer of ministry. We have three mission trips coming up, and we pray that God will use us as he sees fit.
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