The Covid-19 situation has brought about a lot of changes in how we do ministry
and quite honestly has often been a hindrance. Therefore, I feel thankful more than
ever when we can carry on with things as close to normal as possible. One way
that has been possible for me is to be able to coach a few of our sports teams. So
far this fall, I’ve had a fall league basketball team, and school soccer and
basketball team. It is my goal with all these teams to share Christ with each of these kids and be a
positive influence in their life. God has given some good opportunities through this to share His
word. Although I’m still limited in how much time and all that I can do with these kids, I know
God’s word isn’t limited. It will accomplish its purpose and will not return void.
I love coaching, and to be able to share God’s word in that setting is one of the reasons why I
enjoy it so much. However, it’s also seeing young people grow in their sport, and if they are
fortunate and talented enough, to be able to win a championship at the end. There’s nothing like
watching a team as they celebrate. Seeing the joy and happiness on their faces brings about a great
feeling. Our Soccer team was able to do that this year, and it was great seeing the guys celebrate,
parents take pictures, and so forth. Surely championship teams are excited about a championship,
but I think it’s more than that. They have been on a journey TOGETHER. Sports gives you
something else that has been missed by so many during this pandemic. That is the idea of
camaraderie. It’s a sense of family. It’s a band of brothers (or sisters) who have been together on a
journey, and they have trained, pushed each other, picked up, and encouraged one another along
the way. Some of the strongest friendships are formed through sports. You often hear the thing a
retired player misses the most about playing, is the locker room. It’s that togetherness, sense of
family that we were created for. The bible calls it fellowship.
In addition to the sickness, and deaths Covid-19 has brought about on so many, there is the
emotional toll it has brought about as well. I saw a special report on the news recently that talked
about the suicide rate since the start of the pandemic. It spoke of the suicide of a young teenage
boy. His parents were interviewed, and they said they had no doubt that if their son was in school,
he would be alive today. Regardless of this one specific case, there is no doubting how important
it is for us to have the fellowship God created for us to experience. This is one reason why we recently offered a time for our mission team to come together. It’s why God doesn’t want us to give
up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing (Heb.10:25). The writer goes on to say
it’s so we can encourage one another as we see the day approaching. In these difficult days
when there are so much disagreement and divisiveness, it’s our desire to give that encouragement to
the young people God sends our way, and share the hope of the abundant, eternal life that comes
through Christ.
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