The goal of Christian Adventurers is simple: to REACH the youth of Alamance County and guide them to changed lives through the love of Christ. As we work with children and teens in the area, we are given many opportunities to shine a light in this dark world. One thing that I find amazing is how God uses things to bring honor and glory to himself. God uses unqualified people all the time to reach others for him. He also uses events to bring himself glory. No matter how big or small the event is, God’s power shows when people are brought to him. Many times God will use big, extravagant ways to bring a lost person to himself. In this instance, however, he used a bracelet.
Every Monday night Christian Adventurers has our “club” night. We meet at the Graham Middle School gym at 6 pm and host a group of middle and high school boys for a 2-hour basketball and Bible study time. When I was in middle school I went to these same meetings that I am now privileged to be a part of working. Since I grew up being involved in Christian Adventurers, I am able to testify on the impact that our various ministries can have on the lives of young people. These times are a great opportunity for us to share the light of Jesus Christ to some young people that most likely do not have much light in their lives right now. Yes, most of them probably come to play basketball and be with their friends. However, in the process, they are hearing the truth of the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. These Monday night meetings are always a huge blessing for us at Christian Adventurers, but one Monday recently proved to be particularly special for me.
A few weeks ago I showed up at the Graham Middle School gym just like any other Monday night. I was wearing a bracelet, just like I had every day for the past month or so. I received the bracelet about a month prior at a Sidewalk Prophets concert that I attended. The bracelet simply stated, “Reach. Redeem. Restore.” I liked that! I wasn’t sure why I just liked it. It was simple, catchy, and who doesn’t like alliteration? Besides all that, it contains a great message! This particular Monday night that message was noticed. It was toward the end of the night and one of the middle school guys called me over to talk to him. His name is Jalil. Jalil is a very nice kid and a great basketball player. He is always very respectful and kind, and he is a joy to work with. When he called me over, I really had no expectation as to what the conversation was going to be about. He immediately asked me if he could have my bracelet.

“Why,” I asked?
“Because I like it,” he responded.
I obliged, but not before asking him more questions.
“Did you read the bracelet,” I asked him.
“Yes, it has to do with Jesus,” he quickly replied.
He was on the right track. So I used that as an opportunity to explain to him what I thought it meant, and why I wore it. I explained to him that Christian Adventurers’ goal is to REACH the youth of Alamance County and beyond, so that God may REDEEM them from their sins and RESTORE their once God-hating lives into lives that exist solely to bring Him honor and praise. He listened intently as I spoke to him, and nodded along in understanding as I explained to him the gospel and reiterated why we do what we do. I’m so glad that God used a measly little bracelet as a means to share his gospel. I don’t know if God will save Jalil, but I do know that I will try to water that seed that was planted as much as I can and allow God to do the rest!
Jalil has promised to wear that bracelet every Monday night when I see him. Please pray with me that we will continue to do the work that God wants us to do, and that we will make positive impacts on the kids and teenagers of Alamance County.